
A Faithful God

Homily for Monday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 30 September 2019
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 449

Today’s readings offer us a look into the mind and heart of God.

The prophet Zechariah, having offered seven different visions in the first seven chapters, now preaches to the people. He tells them that God is attentive to his chosen people, that he will gather them from the east and the west and return them to the holy city after years of exile. He speaks of peaceful times, mentioning the elderly sitting before their homes while the children play in the streets. However, it is the final statement of this oracle that really grabs our attention. “They shall be my people and I will be their God, with faithfulness and justice.” This oracle announces that the covenant relationship that had been established on Mt. Sinai is restored. God cares for the people and desires to live in a close relationship and union with them, promising faithfulness throughout all time. No matter how many times they fail, no matter how many times we fail, God will not falter in this resolve.

Jesus is the incarnate, embodied fulfillment of God’s faithfulness. Today his message reflects the importance of our relationship with God and the priority of our union with God through Jesus. Using a little child, Jesus reminds them that the least will be the greatest. There is no place for rivalry in God’s reign.

God is for us; the kingdom is for us; those who do good in the name of Jesus are both for us and with us. We are God’s people, and we are being drawn ever closer to God in this life for the purpose of being forever with God in the next. May we always look for ways to serve others, for through such service we will come to know the God of faithfulness and justice.

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator

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