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Lenten Cyber Retreat - 2017 (Fr. Tim Hayes, EGL 1)

Lent - Week One

  • 5 March 2017
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 987
Lenten Cyber Retreat - 2017 (Fr. Tim Hayes, EGL 1)

Lent Week I - Baptism


Overall Petition for the Cyber Retreat


That faithful sharing in the Sacramental Life of the Church may form us all to be a clear witness of the truth of the Gospel and of the power of the Spirit of Jesus to bring light and healing to our world.


Overall Theme:  Living the Sacramental Life in order to open to God’s Healing Mercy


Focus on the Sacrament: Baptism


Image of St. Joseph: The Just Man


Baptism is the first of the Sacraments, the one that makes us children of God, opening us to Eternal Life and the doorway to the other Sacraments.  It is a living spring of water that flows throughout our lives.  We are baptized into Christ.  We begin to live the Christ-Life and this opens us to the fullness of Divine Life in the Trinity.  Temptation tries to mask this reality and to obscure the Christ in us.  Joseph’s example shows us how to live in the Justice, the Righteousness that God has place in us through our relationship with Jesus Christ.  He lives in union with Mary and Jesus and responds freely to the Will of God as it is revealed to him.


Petition for Week I:          That all who receive the Sacraments may grow in awareness of their power.


Questions to consider:


How do the Sacraments form me as a witness to the Gospel?

What new insights do the Sacraments offer me as I seek to know God better?

Where do I experience healing in the Sacraments?

Who is waiting for my invitation to share the Sacramental Life of the Church?

What new commitment is the Lord asking of me through the Sacraments I live?


How do the witness of St. Joseph and model of the Holy Family encourage me to persevere?


What Mystery of the Rosary touches me in a particular way this week?


Resources for Lent from the US Catholic Bishops:


Pope Francis’ Lenten Message:



Lent Sunday I - March  5, 2017: Year A Readings:


The Rite of Election highlights the Mystery of God’s Choice


The Scriptures this weekend focus on the Temptation of Jesus and the power of Grace given to overcome sin.  Our first parents chose to fall into sin.  Jesus chooses to lift our human nature out of sin and into the realm of grace.  He Who Is the Word speaks words of Scripture to confound the tempter and to give us hope.


3/ 6 Monday: The Joyful Mysteries

The Annunciation, Visitation and Birth of Jesus speak to us of Mary’s response to God’s grace.  Mercy is received for the human race in its fullness and she shares it with the world.


3/ 7 Tuesday: The Sorrowful Mysteries

The Agony in the Garden, the Scourging at the Pillar and the Crowning with Thorns point to the willingness of Jesus to do His Father’s Will, whatever the cost, and of our rejection of Him through sin.               


3/ 8 Wednesday: The Glorious Mysteries

The Resurrection, the Ascension and the Descent of the Holy Spirit show us the power of God to raise our human nature to a sharing in His Glory.


3/ 9 Thursday: The Luminous Mysteries (The Mysteries of Light)

The Baptism of the Lord, the Wedding Feast of Cana, the Proclamation of the Gospel and the Call to Conversion, the Transfiguration and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper show us the way in which Jesus revealed the Sacramental Life He has given to the Church.  Divine Life is shared in human experiences.


3/10 Friday: The Sorrowful Mysteries

The Carrying of the Cross and the Crucifixion bring to conclusion Jesus’ full embrace of our human experience.  We are invited to imitate Him as we experience our own burdens and sufferings in the earthly journey.


Abstinence from meat with the whole Church.  Reflect on the holiness to which you are called.  Participate in a Lenten Fish Fry and the Stations of the Cross or other devotions for Lent.


3/11 Saturday: The Joyful Mysteries

The Presentation of Jesus and the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple both show the importance of bringing our children into an awareness of their relationship with God.


3/12 Sunday: The Glorious Mysteries

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth make known to us that we are already sharers in the Divine Life that will be ours in Eternity.  Mary is our Mother in the order of Grace.  She prompts us to open our hearts to her Son. 


Pray for the Candidates for Full Communion in the Catholic Church as they experience the Penitential Scrutiny.  

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