
Being Vigilant

  • 22 October 2013
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 1127

One verse of today's Gospel really caught my eye: Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival. (Luke 12:37a)

Perhaps my experience of insomnia and my lack of sleep was the precipitating cause for my attention to this verse. I have been having trouble sleeping lately. Consequently, part of my day finds me not wide awake, not vigilant. Be that as it may, this Gospel "beatitude" is worth my consideration today. It begs me to ask the question: "How aware am I of God's presence today.

The temperature in Chicago today is hovering around the freezing mark. I am glad that I took out and washed my winter jacket the other day. It's ready to go. Yesterday, another friar helped me to remove the window air conditioning units from the window in my bedroom and in my office. (We even washed the windows after removing the air conditioners.) I took my car in for service a couple of weeks ago. So I think I am ready for winter. However, am I ready for the master's return?

One cannot help but notice the fact that the leaves are changing colors. Although the colors don't seem to be as brilliant as I have seen in other years, there is no doubt about the fact that nature is signaling the advent of winter. The beautiful display of autumn colors is frequently the topic of conversation, but no one ever seems to mention the fact that the beautiful colors are a result of dying! The leaves are dying. Yes, the trees will produce more leaves a few months hence, but this year's foliage is dying. So are all of us. Each of us is drawing closer to the day when we will meet the Master. Will we be found vigilant when that day comes?

The temptation at this time of year is to wrap ourselves up in a warm comforter or afghan and simply wait for spring to return. Rather than be lulled into complacency by the cold weather, I need to "wake up" to God's presence in my life.

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