
Saw an Opportunity and Took It

  • 9 February 2018
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 604

Perhaps you have heard the phrase: “saw an opening and took it.” Basically it means that someone sees an opportunity and is able to fill expectations. The Scriptures today show us two examples of someone who saw an opening and took it.

First we have Jeroboam who is worried that the ten tribes over which he reigns will want to rejoin the southern kingdom because the Temple of Solomon is in Jerusalem. So he makes two idols and puts them in two different cities. He is a real scam artist. Rather than acting as God’s representative, he leads his people away from God and causes them to break the first and the most basic of the commandments of the Sinai Covenant.

Then we have Jesus. He also sees an opening and takes action. However, his interest is not in making himself look good or in preserving his position among the people. He is concerned about them and their hunger lest they collapse on their way home. So he offers them real food and they are satisfied. He does not deceive nor does he use their hunger to his own advantage.

Each day we have an opportunity to grow in our relationship with God. Each day there is an opening before us to praise and thank God, to express sorrow for our sins, and to express our own concerns and needs. To begin with our own needs before praising God’s goodness and giving thanks for God’s providential care would be the height of duplicity. God is generous. We are called to be generous as well, generous with our praise and generous with our virtuous deeds with an attitude of gratitude for all that God has done for us.

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M. Administrator

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