
The Baptism of Jesus

  • 9 January 2012
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 712

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator

Each of the synoptic Gospels records the event of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River. Perhaps the most detailed account appears in the Gospel of St. Matthew. There is one significant difference in St. Matthew's account of the event, a detail that shifts the proclamation from heaven from the second person to the third person. St. Mark, whose account we read today, and St. Luke seem to indicate that the voice was heard only by Jesus. St. Matthew, on the other hand, seems to indicate that the proclamation was heard by those who were present when Jesus approached John for baptism.

"You are my beloved Son. . ." the voice proclaims. Just as the visit of the magi, which we celebrated yesterday, bestows honor upon Jesus, so too this voice honors Jesus. The kings of Israel, the prophets, and the high priests were all regarded as "Sons of God." Jesus, who in human terms is a carpenter's son, would not ordinarily be regarded with such dignity or honor. While there is nothing shameful in laboring with one's hands, it would be shameful conduct to act like a prophet or as a teacher if one was a simple carpenter. The Gospels indicate that Jesus' public ministry begins with this proclamation in order to counter that notion.

Such a proclamation would be tested immediately in this society. This is why the Gospels follow this event with the desert experience of Jesus. He is tempted while in the desert. If he really is the Son of God, then he should have the strength to act accordingly. Though Satan mightily attempts to prove the heavenly voice wrong, Jesus proves to be exactly what the voice proclaims him to be.

This feast comes to us today on a Monday because there are not enough Sundays in this calendar year to cover all the various observances. It happens whenever Christmas falls on a Sunday or a Monday. Today's feast brings the Christmas Season to an end. May the blessings of our Incarnate God be with us throughout the coming year.

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