
Treasure Hunting

Homily for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 17 June 2021
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 178

In the Gospel reading, Jesus tells us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be. We must keep our eyes on that prize and not set our hearts simply on earthly good and success. Treasures are things that have worth in our eyes, things that we value or consider worthy. Curiously, the words “worth,” and “worthy,” and the word “worship” come from the same etymological root word in Old English. We literally worship what or who we see as worthy or valuable. Jesus reminds us that none of the treasures of this world can compare with the treasure that we seek in heaven.

Clearly Paul did not consider any earthly thing as treasure. Instead he boasts of Christ who was strong where he was weak, and whose grace enabled him to survive every affliction he has suffered. The list of his sufferings is considerable: beating after beating, stoning, dangers from people, the wilderness, the sea, and false brothers; hunger and thirst, cold and exposure, and many imprisonments. Paul faced death for the sake of the Gospel gladly and with great boasting. He did not boast of himself, but of Christ whose grace enabled him not only to survive every affliction, but also that Christ has used him that he might be the conduit of that grace for all to whom he ministered. Who could stand any, let alone all, of what Paul endured unless he or she had stored up treasures in heaven, placing all one’s heart, mind, and soul in service to building God’s reign.

This is our challenge: to endure any hardship or forego any earthly reward for the sake of the Gospel. For each one of us, that will be different and unique to ourselves and our circumstances. What is common to all is the reward that awaits us and the power of Christ to be strong where we are weak. We do not make this journey alone – the Holy Spirit is present to strengthen and encourage us, grace is given to us that we might persevere. We all know what is temporal and fleeting and what it is like to walk in darkness. Christ is our light who brings us what is eternal. Our treasure is in him so let us direct our hearts to him.

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator

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