
Glory to God!!!

Christ is born for us, come let us adore Him!

  • 15 January 2021
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 281

January 15, 2021

Dear Friends,

I would like to begin my letter this time with the opening of the great hymn we sing at mass on every Sunday (except during Lent), Solemnities, Feast days. The Glory to God in the highest!

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of goodwill. We praise you; we bless you; we adore you; we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

How often we hear, say, and sing these words, but do we ever really take the time to genuinely delve into the words of praise to our Heavenly Father?

What does it really mean to give GLORY to God? If we look at the word itself, glory is a word that would describe fame, beauty, majesty, dignity, nobility to our God and King of the Universe!

During this time of social unrest, we know that we have a God who always walks with us, even in those dark times of life. Our world as we see it may have darkness around it now, but we also know that the Glory of our God will never abandon us as we struggle in our own infirmities and watch the infirmities in our government suffer so much pain. We need to pray for peace and for a time of recollection. We are called to be people of goodwill!

As we move towards a new chapter in our lives with a new look to God in all his glory, we must remember that we are to be people of goodwill.

We need to ask Jesus with his mother Mary to watch and guide our world, our country our personal journeys of faith, hope, and love so that we can sing with the Archangels and Angles in Heaven Glory to God in the Highest and peace to his people on earth!

The Glory to God goes on to say, we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory! Wow, that is a lot of praise and thanksgiving to give to God, these words challenge me, and I hope you as well as we pray this great hymn each Sunday at mass.

 And why, because the hymn goes on to say, You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, You alone are Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit, we give thanks to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

As you go about your daily chores today, remember to say every so often, Glory to God in the Highest, and may we be people of peace and goodwill towards all we meet!


Happy New Year, and may God give us peace and kindness as we live out our faith, hope, and love for one another.


Peace and all good,

Brother Ed Arambasich, OFM



Categories: Brother Ed's Blog
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