
Merry Christmas 2019

Brother Ed, OFM

  • 26 December 2019
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 466
Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas! I send you many blessings and prayers from the friars here at St. John the Baptist in Joliet, IL!
My hope that each and every one of you knows how much you are loved and prayed for each day by the brothers here
at St. John's. The Lord is truly among us in many ways! He teaches us how to love even in times of sadness, 
health issues and stress.

Please take time out of your busy schedules and to sit and ponder the message of Christmas, God with us! Our God is
always walking with us! It is a joy to the world that He has come!

Jesus, you came to save us from our sins, and we all give thanks for your birth and becoming one of us!

Merry Christmas,

Brother Ed, OFM

PS: Happy St. Stephen Day, first martyr


Categories: Brother Ed's Blog
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