
St. Ambrose Day

By: Bishop Barron

  • 7 December 2019
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 463


MATTHEW 9:35 - 10:1, 5A, 6-8

Friends, today Jesus instructs us to pray for laborers for the harvest, for disciples to do the work of evangelization. We need to organize our lives around evangelization. Everything we do ought to be related somehow to it. This doesn’t mean that we all have to become professional evangelizers. Remember, you can evangelize by the moral quality of your life. But it does mean that nothing in our lives ought to be more important than announcing the victory of Jesus.

We should think of others not as objects to be used, or annoying people in the way of realizing our projects, but rather as those whom we are called to serve. Instead of saying, “Why is this annoying person in my way?” we should ask, “What opportunity for evangelization has presented itself?” Has God put this person in your life precisely for this purpose?

Reflect: Think of an annoying person in your life and reflect on what opportunity God might be putting in your way for evangelization, which begins with love.
Categories: Brother Ed's Blog
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