
Thoughts for the Third Week of Advent:

  • 15 December 2019
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 428

Sunday – Help me, Lord, to distinguish – am I searching for happiness or living with joy?
Monday – What are the inconsistencies in my life between what I say and what I do?
Tuesday – Do I make a special effort to be a person who is a source of joy to my loved ones?
Wednesday – Do my thoughts and actions towards others reflect the presence of Christian values in my life?
Thursday – Do I take a stand either by my vote or by community involvement for those issues which are important to me?
Friday – Do I do what I can, through my support and activity in Christian organizations, to spread the word and joy of Christ to the world?
Saturday – Lord, like most people, I enjoy the material comforts of life.  Help me remember that though material things may come and go, I have within me the source of complete joy You have promised.  I have only to uphold my beliefs.
Categories: Brother Ed's Blog
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