
A Plan for Each of Us

Homily for Friday in the 14th Week of Ordinary TIme

  • 8 July 2021
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 188

The reunion of Joseph with his father Jacob is one of the most emotional stories in the Hebrew Scriptures. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, accused of crimes that saw him thrown into jail, and eventually finding his way into favor is all capsulized in the Book of Genesis. Though it is recorded in a few strokes of the pen, the journey itself claims the better part of Joseph’s life. Is it any wonder that his reunion with Jacob is so emotional!

How do we tie this narrative into our lives? God has a plan for each and every one of us. We travel upon the road of our daily journey, not always seeing the big picture. It is likely that Joseph did don see the big picture when he was separated from his family, or when he was sold into slavery and later jailed. God used him to rescue his family as well as his adopted country.

As Jesus sends his apostles out to preach the Kingdom of Heaven, he tells them beforehand what to expect. He does not paint a very nice picture. This journey is going to be fraught with difficulties. Perhaps we can identify with some of those difficulties in our own lives.

By prayer and reflection upon the events of our lives, we grow in our faith and love for the Lord. We receive the grace and strength needed to bear our daily crosses and burdens, trusting they are part of God’s plan for our lives. We also come to see and recognize how the Lord is working and has worked – all the while keeping our minds and hearts open to the new and perhaps unexpected ways he seeks to work in and through us.

The Eucharist is definitely food for the journey.

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator

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