
Gifts of Love

Homily for Thursday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 12 July 2018
  • Author: CUSA Administrator
  • Number of views: 562

Over the years we have seen many different translations of the Scriptures published. The passage that we read from St. Matthew today was translated a little differently. I remember it well because it was the Gospel for the Sunday when I celebrated my Mass of Thanksgiving after ordination. At that time, the line that captured my attention read: “The gift you have been given, give as a gift.”  Today we read, “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.” Probably because of the emotional connection I have to this Gospel passage, I prefer the former.

We have all been given gifts. St. Paul speaks eloquently about the various gifts we have received from the Holy Spirit. However, it is very clear from his writing that the gifts are given as tools to use in service to others.

Perhaps the greatest gift we have been given is the gift of love. The reading from Hosea that we hear today surely evokes all sorts of emotions from those who are parents. In order to help us understand how much God loves us, the prophet explores the depth of God’s love in parental images, images of teaching a child to walk, of holding a child close to one’s cheeks, of caresses and kisses. One of the blessings of being the eldest child in my family is that I saw how my mother and stepfather held my younger brothers and sisters when they brought them home from the hospital after their birth. Though I may not remember being held like that, I am sure that I was caressed and kissed when I was an infant.

God’s love is also expressed in mercy. Hosea reminds the Israelites of how tenderly God called them back when they had strayed.  We have all received this kind of love.

Finally, God shares his very self with us in every Eucharist. What a wonderful expression of love this is, a gift that we are able to receive each day.

All of these gifts are given to us so that we have something to give to others. As the saying goes, one cannot give what one has not received. Let us give what we have been given, share our faith and the love we have all received from our gracious God.

Fr. Lawrence Jagdfeld, O.F.M., Administrator

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